Business Forecasting Explained

Forecasts are used across all areas of a business with every decision or process having some form of forecasting behind it.

5 Successful Australian Companies Who Use Salesforce

Better customer relations and the time to develop new leads will exponentially help the company grow month over month. Most businesses who implement Salesforce see results in a matter of weeks.

People, Processes and Technology: the Perfect Partnership

When processes break down, especially in a business environment, technology is often the first element blamed.

How to Import Excel and Google Sheets to Salesforce

Importing data from Google Sheets to Salesforce can increase your productivity by using client information that you have already gathered.

What Should You Look for in a Salesforce Consulting Partner

An expert will know what actions will bring you the most success, and they can streamline your workflow for you.

Why Projects Fail and How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Even with a well defined group plan, there is still a need for flexible thinking, particularly once you start implementing a solution.

5 Ways CRM Can Help Build Better Marketing Campaigns

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an efficient method to maintain consistent communication with your customers.

How Salesforce CRM Can Boost the Effectiveness of Your Sales Team

The realm of sales is an ever-evolving one. What worked yesterday may not work today.

Alternatives to Tenders

The typical tender is expensive and time-consuming both to prepare and to respond to. For the customer, a tender can typically take six months from start to finish.

Summer 2019 Release Notes

With the recent Summer 19 Salesforce now fully deployed in Production orgs, we’ve picked a few key highlights we’d like to bring to your attention.