Why a good Business Analyst could save your project!

How a trip to buy a new bike helped our National Sales Manager Nicole reaffirm why having a Good Business Analyst could save your project, and the possibility of getting a sore neck.

SalesFix ShortCuts – How to get Salesforce reports sent directly to your inbox

This episode is presented by Bethany Smith, SalesFix Salesforce Consultant. Bethany shows you how to get Salesforce reports sent directly to your inbox.

Salesforce Winter ‘22 Highlights

The Winter ‘22 release has now been deployed into your Salesforce org. As usual, in every Salesforce release you will find lots of new features and new enhancements.

Creatures of Habit: accommodating difference when delivering change

Planning change within your organisation? Make sure you understand the impact that change will have on those in your organisation.

Service Cloud – your customer engagement superstar

If customer engagement is high on your business’s priority list but you’re still relying on ‘old school’ techniques such as email and phone calls to manage your customers, Service Cloud may be the answer.

Salesforce Summer ‘21 Highlights

The third quarter of 2021 has delivered us the latest Salesforce Release. Here are some of the highlights from the Summer ‘21 Release.

App Deep Dive: Payments2Us

If you’re a business or organisation that deals with memberships, recurring donations, payments, or events, you’ll know how important having a reliable and easy to use system is. In this blog, we take a deep dive into an app that does exactly this.

Passwords – the bane of our existence in this modern technology world

With so much of our lives tied to technology these days, passwords have become a necessary part of life. Love them or hate them, passwords are here to stay which, depending on your thought process, is either a plus or a pain.

Our Operations Manager Karen Matheson is the gate-keeper of passwords here at SalesFix. Below she shares some stats and tips on what she’s learnt about passwords over the years.

Why Machine Learning Is the Smart Way to Dedupe Salesforce

Every company’s dataset is unique and has its own challenges when it comes to deduplication. Instead of rule-based applications, which can be very time-consuming and ineffective, machine learning is a new and more efficient way to identify and eliminate duplicates.

4 cost-conscious ways to drive business efficiencies this year

2020 was a challenging year for businesses of all sizes – including SMEs. The pandemic caused businesses to become financially fragile and continues to disrupt economies globally.