Set your sights on your future

Set your sights on your future

Planning: We understand SME growing pains, here’s a few tips

It’s not easy building and growing a successful business; along the way, you learn what to do and what not to do mostly because you do them all and then see what works. It’s inevitable that some things just don’t work, but the key is to not get bogged down by failures but to be uplifted by your small wins and evolve as you go.

An age-old saying is that Thomas Edison nearly gave up on inventing the light bulb, but he persevered and now we can all see what we are doing in the dark, because of his courage to continue.

We’ve been in business since 2010 and in that time we have gone from just 2 staff members in Brisbane to 15 people in 2 locations servicing the entire east coast. We have big growth plans and a definitive vision. Why are we telling you this? To brag? No – because we want you to see that start-ups and small businesses can think bigger, you can craft a vision and make it happen. Being a business process specialist does help us to make our vision actually come into fruition, I know, but what we are saying is, that just because you are not a huge corporate does not mean that you cannot grow exponentially, craft your own 3 year vision, employ smart technology, implement systems and create a solid culture for your future growth.

We have a quote from Jason Lawrence, our founder in our brand new 3 year painted picture vision booklet that says: –

“We are not inventors, we are innovators, we take an ordinary system and make it worth far more to our customers, innovating their processes as we go.”

For us this is important – and you should consider if it rings true with you.

  • Can you take your product or service and add value to it?
  • Can you improve your customer service with a better system?
  • Can you attract and retain your clients because your team are so easy to deal with and your administration process is foolproof?
  • Can you automate your marketing both internally and externally to increase enquiry and conversions?


We didn’t invent Salesforce, but we know it inside and out, we know what works for specific industry types and business sizes.

We know how to improve productivity by implementing the right product add-ons. We know how to customise the products so they actually work for you. So if you want a business that grows, that seamlessly delivers and has an outstanding reputation then perhaps we can help you get there.

We understand your pains because we have experienced the growth from micro through to SME; we have the experience and knowledge to help you effectively because we have been there, we’ve done that and it wasn’t so long ago.

So trust us, we can see the woods for the trees, and we have a road map on how to get there. Join us, let’s grow together.

To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan

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To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
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