Service Cloud Certification

Service Cloud Certification

All of us at SalesFix Brisbane would like to congratulate one of our team, Sandy Simpson, who became a Certified Service Cloud Consultant today.

As a Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant, Sandy has demonstrated that she can design and implement Service Cloud solutions that fit our Customer’s requirements and contribute to the ongoing success of SalesFix customers.

Adding to the already highly experienced team at SalesFix, Sandy’s Certification demonstrates the ongoing drive of all of our team in improving their skills and offering our customers the highest level of Salesforce CRM expertise in Brisbane.

Well done Sandy!!

We think a celebratory dinner from the boss is in order!

To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan

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To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
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