Fundraising in 2023

Fundraising in 2023

Welcome to a new year! Myself and the SalesFix For Purpose team are looking forward to tackling some great fundraising topics for you in the coming months. The world of fundraising has undergone significant changes in recent years, and it continues to evolve and offer new and exciting opportunities but there are some challenges that come with this evolution. We will be looking at some topics that are not often talked about but can have a significant impact on reaching fundraising goals including:

Financial reconciliation:

That regular exercise of making sure the books are balanced. For large and small organisations alike, it can take days and be really difficult. We’ll be looking at how some of our clients do reconciliation using Salesforce, as well as talking to the clever people from Exceleris Consulting about the app they’ve built to automate the majority of the process.

Data security:

A hot topic at the moment, but still not something many of the organisations that we work with are thinking enough about. And for those that are thinking about it, the focus is often exclusively on the tech side of things. We’ll be talking about the people and the process side too to give you some things to take immediate action on. We’ll also be taking a little side-trip to look at how the death of the third-party cookie will impact your marketing and what you can do about it.

Major giving:

Identifying your major giving prospects can be challenging. But it doesn’t need to be. This is one of the most obvious and rewarding use cases for AI. We’ll be looking at a few options for getting your data to work for you through the power of AI and machine learning. If you have the data, AI can help

We are looking forward to exploring these topics more in depth and bringing some great content that really gets to the heart of these issues and provides advice and solutions to help you improve efficiency and reach your fundraising goals.

If you would like to offer some expertise or be part of the conversation it would be great to hear from you, my details are below so please reach out.

Here is to an exciting exciting year ahead!

Nicole Aebi-Moyo
SalesFix For Purpose Practice Lead
To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan

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To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Get your NFP fundraising system working for you.