Salesforce is so much more than a CRM.
This podcast features an interview with SalesFix founder Jason Lawrence who describes how your business can take advantage of Salesforce CRM to boost business productivity.
At its core, Salesforce enables you to build enterprise applications that can be integrated into your finance, marketing, inventory, & customer service systems.
In the interview, you will hear about how the team at SalesFix can help your company by making the initial set up, and ongoing management, of your Salesforce CRM much easier. According to Jason, the key is to use a proven process.
SalesFix are a business process improvement team who will work with you to improve your Sales, Marketing, customer service and other back office processes.
But what’s the best news?
Initial improvements to your business productivity can be made in as little as 5 days.
As a Gold Salesforce partner, SalesFix will not only help with the setup and development side of things – they will also carry out training, workshops, configuration help, integration assistance and offer long term support