Salesforce Verification Page Highlighting Certified Professionals
Salesforce recently announced a new Certification Verification page that will provide Certified Professionals a way to highlight their expertise and make their certification visible to customers, prospects, colleagues, partners and more.
Following the Best Practice of most other notable certifications, Salesforce Certification is now a verifiable credential. However it is up to the certified individual to choose if they wish to participate in public validation or not, but as most (if not all) certified professionals are fiercely proud of their accomplishments, the ability to have their hard earned certification validated has been welcomed with open arms.
The Salesforce Verification page allows users to search for an individual using their full name (first and last) or email address and view the active certifications they hold. The verification page will list their name, location, all of their active certifications and the date they became certified.
How Can Companies Use It?
Hiring a Salesforce Certified Individual
When reviewing potential candidates for a position within your company, it’s now quick and easy to verify their certification credentials as part of their initial resume review.
Hiring a Salesforce Partner or Consultant
Before making the decision to engage with a consultancy company to assist with your Salesforce journey, it’s important to determine their range of expertise as well as the qualifications of the team that will be working on your project. With the new Verification page, you can quickly and easily check that the project team members have the certifications they claim.