SalesFix plus 1

SalesFix plus 1

With an outsider’s view of SalesFix over a couple of years, it has been fascinating to watch the growth cycle that has been occurring within this business over the past few years.

I have watched them grow from a staff base of 3 to a dynamic team of 10. I also have witnessed the strength of the company, evidenced by the loyalty, respect and commitment of the team to one another and to their clients. So when an opportunity for a newly created role of Customer Success Manager, guess who was first to put their hand up. ????

Who am I?
I come from a diverse professional background which includes management, operations and administrative skill sets, developed across a range of commercial and industrial environments. With specific experience across HR, event management, business process & systems, training and IT support, I have been an end user of several CRM’s over a period of years including Salesforce.

What am I here for?
As Customer Success Manager, my responsibilities are going are sure to evolve over time, but we thankfully have a starting point which is definitive and exciting. Basically I will be taking care of you!

I will:

  • Hold the customers hand during development and implementation
  • Partner with the customer to increase the effective use and adoption of the salesforce solution
  • Be your internal advocate, helping to drive support & change where necessary
  • Coordinate with our consultants and project managers during project delivery to ensure complete customer satisfaction
  • Maintain the post-implementation relationship

The Learning Curve
Now 2 weeks into the role, I am not drowning but will admit to paddling really fast to keep afloat. New software apps, new technical language and jargon, new team, a diary that is filling fast, travel, lovely customers to meet – lots of things happening all at once.

And I love every minute of it.

I look forward to meeting you


To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan

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To speak to one of our team in relation to options for your migration from DonMan
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
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